Your Guide to Creating a Divorce Support Network and New Friends so that you have people to talk to and spend your free time with.

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What this Support Guide will teach you...

How to build a new support network of friends, confidants, and groups

The 3 Most Important Tips:

four friends

About Rebuilders International

Bruce Fisher, Ed.D. (1931-1998) developed the “Rebuilding” model of divorce recovery nearly 25 years ago. He personally trained thousands of individuals and therapists in this approach, enriching the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide. He was a highly popular divorce therapist, author, and teacher, and a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. His “Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale” is an internationally recognized measure of adjustment to the ending of a love relationship.

The class he developed and taught has gone through several iterations since it was originally introduced. Students typically see massive improvements in their recovery as measured by the FDAS. 

The Support Guide has been developed in conjunction with several graduates that have offered their experience of their needs for community and support.

Rebuilders International is run by graduates of the program itself. We believe in sharing the dramatic results available through this amazing program.

Here's what Rebuilders Graduates are saying...

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Disclaimer: each client testimonial that you see is based on what our clients tell us. We don’t verify their statements, we take their word on it.