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Create Your Divorce Recovery Roadmap

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Now, if you would like a far more detailed report on your emotional well-being, please answer the following questions for the full report. It only takes about 10 minutes.

The following statements are feelings and attitudes that people frequently experience after a love relationship has ended. Read each statement. Decide how frequently the statement applies to your present feelings and attitudes. Mark your response on your answer sheet. Do not leave any statements blank. If the statement is not appropriate for you in your present situation, answer the way you feel you might if that statement were appropriate.

After taking the self-assessment, your results will be immediately be sent to you. Please allow 15-20 minutes to take the self-assessment and should you need to leave the assessment, you may need to re-start again.

Hint: You can click on the word to answer the question instead of just the circle.

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Phone Number

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