Divorce Support Group
The Rebuilders Divorce Support Group
This is a private support group for people going through divorce.
In this group you will be able share your struggles, get and give support, and learn how to move forward.
What is "The Rebuilders Divorce Support Group"?
A Community
One of the most difficult aspects of divorce is the loss of someone to talk to. Rebuilders has a private Support Group that gives you access to people to talk to. What are you dealing with? Bring it to the group and get the support you need.
A Library
Get access to videos, book recommendations, and exercises to help you ease the pain of divorce.
Step by Step Support
The library unlocks new material every few days so that you can gently move through the emotional journey of divorce. Use the material in the library to discuss with people in the support group to better understand what you need.
Make friends
Being in the support group you also get access to building friendships. You can meet people with similar situations, or sometimes people that just really connect well.

When does the hurt go away? Or does it just take time?
How do I move forward?
Will anyone else understand how I feel?
These are actual questions we receive from divorcees all the time.
Everyone thinks that their situation is different. That the hurt they feel is worse than others can possibly know.
Now let me ask you a question (or two)….
- What if you really could radically diminish the anger and confusion that you feel?
- What if you could spend time with your children or ex-spouse at family gatherings and be peaceful?
- What if you learned some powerful techniques that could bring you stability in your emotions?
That’s Why We Created our Divorce Support Group
The material was adapted from a seminar program that has been running for 30 years but was only available to a select few. The techniques are proven. We’ve been through it. We’ve seen the techniques make a profound impact on ourselves, our friends and family members.
What Topics Are Covered In the Video Library?

Did you know there are 20 steps that divorcees go through as they rebuild their life? That’s a lot to figure out on your own. In the material we go through all of these steps using proven knowledge and techniques.
The class starts with working with you, wherever you are. Share your story. Get it out. Once you do that we start looking and Denial and Fear. These two topics are the foundation of divorce. We all experience them.
It is easy to blame the other person in a divorce. And yes, the other person probably did some terrible things. In this module we talk about how we approach life and how we can choose our response to our ex.
We all learn ways to get by in life. Sometimes these ways are helpful to us and sometimes they aren’t. But they are so second nature that we don’t realize we are doing them. By understanding how we have learned to get through life we get perspective on ourselves, others, and our relationship.
If you are confused, numb, having a hard time focusing, and generally not “yourself” you are grieving. Grief IS divorce. The definition is CONFLICTING FEELINGS caused by a change in a familiar pattern or behavior. So if there is any change in your life, there is some level of grief. In this material we teach you how to grieve. There is an art to it.
No one escapes anger in a divorce. You might be angry for your partner leaving you. You might be angry for your partner making it so bad that you had to leave. Our society doesn’t teach us how to be angry. The module teaches what is underneath anger, how to express anger appropriately, and most importantly how to get rid of it.
This is the second half of the course where you start looking at your future instead of your past. We look at how you hide behind a mask. We all protect ourselves from being hurt by trying to be someone we are not. Once you see your shield you learn to lower it so that you can be happy again.
Divorce destroys our self-esteem. We explore what makes up self-esteem and how to get it back.
When the person you loved is gone we all start to wonder what the future holds. Will I ever meet someone again? I don’t know how to do this, it’s been so long since I’ve dated. We hold your hand (pardon the pun) through the process in this class.
Most people lose their trust in a divorce. The lose trust in their ex, maybe even the entire gender of their ex (“I’ll never trust another man!”), and often, though it is hard to admit, ourselves. So we go through trust and deep, honest communication. When you can truly be yourself you don’t have to hide.
When you have completed all of the previous steps you feel empowered. You have a better understanding of how life works. You understand yourself better. You can move forward in the world, confident and able to build the life you want.
This class just works...see what our students have to say!
Do NOT Wait Another Day to Start the Journey to Being Happy!
Seriously…don’t do it.
Why wait? Anger. Loneliness, Confusion. Sadness. These are all emotions that are holding you back from being able to move forward.
Set down the weight of these difficult emotions and feel a lightness that you haven’t felt in a long time.
The exercises are simple. You can connect with others right now on your smartphone, a computer, or a tablet.
The cost is less than two cups of coffee per week.
The choice is yours.
If you want to get started, click the “Enroll Now” button below and finally begin the journey to peace. You can start your first class within minutes.
So click the “Enroll Now” button right now.
Ready To Start Your Healing?
Just follow the 4 steps below...
Step #1
Take our FREE, no pressure divorce assessment to learn what’s best for you moving forward.
Step #2
Set up a free phone call with one of our facilitators to discuss your assessment results.
Step #3
Find a supportive community.
Join the Rebuilders Facebook Group “Divorce: From Survive to Thrive”
Step #4
Are you ready to start your healing today?
Sign up for a class or support group.