About Us

Rebuilders International LLC is based on the work of many therapists, researchers, scholars, authors, divorcees, and widowers. Bruce Fisher, originally developed an in-person divorce support group and recovery class based in Boulder, Colorado after working for years with divorcees. Using what he learned working with the classes he wrote the Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends book. He also developed a workbook and materials with the goal of spreading the Rebuilding seminar program around the world. From that effort therapists began to run their own seminar programs. Today, only a few in-person programs have been able to successfully continue to operate. However, the programs that have continued have successfully helped thousands of people recover from devastating losses in their lives and quickly return to a happy, successful life. Our online classes builds upon this history of success and adds new material that have a proven track record in accelerating peoples recovery after significant losses of relationship in their lives.
Who are we?
Rebuilders International LLC is a collection of people that have experienced significant loss in their life. We share a common thread of being interested in self development and giving back so that the world is a better place.