Divorce Coaching

If you want results fast then Divorce Coaching is for you. This program is for people that place a high value on their time. They can’t afford to be suffering any more. 

Take our Divorce Adjustment Self-Test to get a personalized report on how you are doing. The Self-Test provides you insight into 6 different areas critical to your recovery process.

Take the FREE test now to better understand where to focus your energy for a quick recovery.

Most people see a therapist, if they do anything, to get over their divorce. It’s understandable. It’s what people know. 

But therapy is slow. It can help. But it comes from a place that something is wrong with you. It is for people that don’t know where they are. We are different. We believe there is nothing wrong. We are focused on the present and your future. We get results for people that want to overcome the challenges that they are facing TODAY. 

If you make the decision to invest in hiring one of our coaches and you are committed to a future you love, then we can show you how.

There’s no situation or circumstance that we cannot help you to overcome.

It’s not rocket science, brain surgery, or any other cliche you care to come up with – it’s a process, and one that thousands have been through.

If you work best in a one-on-one environment with everything tailored to your personal needs and relish the opportunity of having your own coach who is dedicated to your success, then we have a variety of packages for you that are listed below.

On the other hand, if you prefer live training and being in a peer group of supportive divorcees all committed to letting go and helping one another, then click here for more information on the courses.


Individual sessions are great if you want to sample working with one of our coaches before committing to a longer period.

Obviously the more time you invest the greater the results. Many people achieve more in these sessions than they have from months or even years of therapy. 

Similarly, its for you if you want help with a very specific issue or want a general “roadmap” of how to move forward. 

See the other packages below for the kinds of things we can work on together. 

Rapid Rebuild

If you just want to get through the most difficult stretch and want to make sure you have the support that you need. 

With the Rapid Rebuild, we are able to do the following:

  • Dramatically reduce the intense emotions like anger and sadness
  • Shift your mindset into a place of power and confidence.
  • Help you develop resilience and confidence quickly.
  • Work with you to create deeply fulfilling, healthy and enduring relationships.

This package includes regular 1-on-1 calls and unlimited email support.

It also includes free access to our 10 week group workshop class.