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Free Training Webinar Reveals…
“How to move Forward After Divorce
without spending lots of time, money, and energy!“
Very Limited seating. Only 10 seats per webinar.
Your Seat is Only Guaranteed until clock hits 00:00:00
Special webinar THIS WEEK with Kevin Van Liere, CEO of Rebuilders International (and thriving divorcee)!
What you will learn on this free training webinar:
Secret #1
“Why your ex is behaving the way they are (and how you can read their mind)”
Secret #2
“How to Move on from divorce in weeks not years!” (Your ex will want to know your secret!)
Secret #3
“how to create a future that you love” (and find that companion you’ve always wanted)
** PLUS – HUGE Bonus: just show up on the webinar LIVE and you will get VIP access to our After Divorce Bootcamp and group support room ($997 Value) for FREE! Just click on the link to start feeling better now!