Considering Divorce
Is divorce in your future?
We help people struggling in their marriages to Mend or End it and move forward confidently.
Marriage is hard. People change over time and so do our relationships. Two people in a relationship either grow together or they grow apart. When they grow apart, there is a point in time when the gap is too wide for at least one person. Trust has been lost. The communication is poor. Disconnection. Loneliness.
One person thinks to themselves, “I don’t want this marriage anymore.”
When divorce gets discussed in a marriage it is a defining moment.
The person that INITIATES the discussion of divorce has often struggled with the idea FOR YEARS. People don’t typically raise the prospect of divorce lightly. They have tried every way they know how to make the marriage work.
The person that is confronted with the prospect of divorce, but doesn’t want the relationship to end is the RESISTER. They want to make it work but they don’t know if the marriage can be saved.
I'm considering INITIATING divorce
You are struggling with making the decision. You are anxious and questioning whether it is the right decision or not.
You have 4 options on how to move forward:
- Resign yourself to this marriage and life
- Remove yourself from the marriage
- Reinvent your marriage
- Release you and your partner gracefully
I'm RESISTING divorce
You love your spouse. You don’t want it to end. You don’t understand what happened or why. Maybe you do but you don’t know HOW to do it differently. Or maybe you don’t feel like it is all your fault.
Maybe your spouse has said “I love you, but I’m not IN love with you.”
You feel rejected, isolated, and confused. You are afraid of the future and what it might hold.
It is a confusing situation to be in. You have the following options:
- Reflect on what your partner is saying and doing and make changes to save the relationship
- Retreat from the situation and make no changes
- Release your partner and make changes for yourself
What do you want to do?
People considering divorce are faced with two options: MEND the relationship or END the relationship. Mending the relationship means taking steps to heal the hurt, strengthen the trust, and build the communication. Ending the relationship means working through the process of lovingly releasing the most significant person in your life.
Divorce has far-reaching effects – it touches everything – your living situation, lifestyle, kids, financial situation, friends and family. There are 3 Pillars during divorce that must be managed: Legal, Financial, and Emotional. Usually they deal with it that order. They give $20,000 or more to their lawyer and then they split their assets with their Soon To Be Ex and then decide after struggling emotionally for months or years that they can’t do this alone. When they finally come to us for help and get the support they needed
Staying in the relationship means that changes need to be made.
I want to MEND the marriage
Your marriage isn’t okay and you want to learn new tools, and information. Often this is a process of releasing what you WANTED the marriage to be and re-aligning it to a new REALITY.
You need help to:
- Figure out what changes need to be made in the relationship (if it is going to work)
- Figure out what changes you need to make (if it is going to work)
I want to END the marriage
You know in your heart, that the marriage must end. There is too much distance between you and your spouse. Whether you are the Initiator or the Resistor there is a lot of hurt – emotionally, and maybe physically.
This is a very difficult path ahead and you need help NAVIGATING it. You cannot do this alone.