Divorce Support and Recovery 

Welcome to the #1 Most Comprehensive Divorce Recovery Program in the World. For 40 years. 

Move On in Weeks
(not years)

The Rebuilding Program: 10 weeks, once a week in a group setting. Led by expert facilitators.
Don’t know where to begin?

Start here.

Head Heart Mind
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Learn how you are doing in 6 key areas, plus get free, personalized training on how YOU can recover best!
Conversation 02
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Talk with an expert Divorce Coach about your situation, your results, and the best path forward for YOU.
Group 03
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Hear from Denise and Jamie talk about how quickly the Rebuilders program has changed their lives

Does the Rebuilders System

Really Work?

Below you’ll see that the Rebuilders International system really works, why it is unique, and what we do. We will let this information stand for itself! And yes, of course results will vary but with only a few hours a week you can have a life changing experience.
"I would wholeheartedly encourage you to embrace Nick and the work and help that he provides so that you can walk a path to find yourself."

The Rebuilders Background: 
40 Years of Changing People’s Lives.

Meet Dr. Bruce Fisher

The founder of the Rebuilders program was Dr. Bruce Fisher (1931-1998). He was born in Iowa but spent most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado. He was a popular divorce therapist, author, teach and a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. As he worked with clients dealing with divorce he realized that traditional therapy didn’t work efficiently. He began working with his clients in groups and eventually found that there are 19 “steps” that people must work through to effectively “Rebuild” their lives. From this work he wrote the book “Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends.” We still use this book as a reference in our classes. Since he wrote the book over 30 years ago we have learned a lot and the program has evolved considerably. Now we find that there are more “steps” and that there are some elements that Dr. Fisher wasn’t aware of or misunderstood. However, he still created a powerful foundation for the program that we run today.

"I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to have taken this journey with you and the class. It’s been very mind blowing and a real eye opener. It changed my life."

See The Data…

Research, Evidence Based Healing

Reliability and Validity of the FDAS

A study of 486 individual showed that the FDAS, which we use to measure the effectiveness of our program has an internal consistency, using Cronbach’s alpha of .93. (That’s really good!)

Relationship Termination and the FDAS

In this study, the FDAS was used as a tool to measure the differences between the married and unmarried people going through a breakup of their primary love relationship. It shows that the FDAS is a standard of measure in the industry for relationship loss.

Effectiveness of the Rebuilders Workshop

Using the FDAS as a measure before and after the program, the researches were able to show that with just 2 hours per week the graduates showed dramatically better results and also measured using the Satisfaction With Life measurement tool.

Don't trust the scientists, look what our graduates say...

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Frequently Asked Questions

We guide people through the  process of letting go of their emotional baggage, being comfortable being alone, and prepare them for living healthy, happy lives.

The program is 30 years old. Ideas, exercises and topics have been tried and tested many different ways, on thousands of people. The result is a highly effective, efficient program.

Therapy and coaching are different in a lot of ways. Therapy is often unstructured conversation and the therapist operates as a “sounding board” for your thoughts and feelings. Rebuilders does coaching. We have a 10-Week program that is a very comprehensive, structured group experience. We find that between the high quality content delivered in a structured environment, that it is a VERY different experience than therapy. See what Julie says in her testimonial about therapy.

We offer a money back guarantee. If you take one of our classes, show up to at least 8 live classes and do the homework and you don’t believe you got your money’s worth you have 2 options: 1) we refund your money, or 2) we will continue to work with you until you feel that you got your money’s worth.

We are committed to providing solutions for people at all budgets. Most people can find a program and payment plan that works for them. Don’t let that be what stops you from having a life you love. Talk to us openly about your financial situation and we will work you!

That’s okay. Many people find that being in one of our programs is like having a friend to be with you during the process. About two-thirds of our students are not yet divorced. 

We have new 10-Week classes starting every few weeks. We have classes Sunday afternoons, and evenings Sunday through Thursday. 

Yes. Every divorce is different. However, this program has been refined for over 30 years. THOUSANDS of people have taken it. If you apply yourself to doing the work we have no doubt that it will work for you.

If you are in a REALLY chaotic time during your divorce and you don’t have the time to devote to learning then you should wait a little. However, we have found that people outside of only the most chaotic times will benefit.

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How our program works...

Step 1


Your thinking, mindset, beliefs, and values all influence how you respond to the traumatic experience of divorce. We show you how 95% of people think and how the other 5% think. We show you how you can step outside of the normal trap that keeps people stuck.

Step 2


Many people suppress, depress, or repress their feelings. Divorce brings so many “difficult” feelings. We give you tools to work through them, use them, and feel the “good” feelings again.

Step 3


In marriages people “lose” themselves. When the marriage ends they don’t know who they are as a single person. We help you connect with yourself so that you can be comfortable being alone in your own skin.

Tips to jumpstart your new life!

Get Guidance On How To Best Recover During This Very Challenging Time In Your Life.